The other night I stopped by the store to pick up some juice and instant noodle cups. The store that I was going to is located on the far of a shopping centre. I had been to this store before but I decided that I would take a different route home in order to see more of the area. As I was leaving the shopping area I found an odd-looking formation sticking out of the ground.
It looks a bit like a bell, but at the same time it makes me think more of a lightbulb that has been shoved into the ground and then turned on. I think the yellow rays coming out from it is why it reminds me of a light bulb.
Continuing on in my wanderings I found a cathedral.
It is built out of these large stone blocks with a rather wide stair case leading up the grounds on which the cathedral is located. I climbed up the staircase and found a sign stating that visitors to the cathedral were welcome.
I really liked that there was moss on the walls in places. It made it feel suitably old. I especially enjoyed the traditional-looking lamps that had the modern florescent bulbs inside of them. This particular picture really does not do it justice at all since it is a bit blurry. Alas, the sad things we must put up with in our first world lives.

The inside of the cathedral was exactly what you expect to see in an old church in England. There was old wood and stone. There were stained-glass windows depicting different scenes. There was also in progress a choral celebration. As a part of the choral celebration there were also prayers. It made it feel very much like a service which is suitable considering it was taking place in a cathedral. I stayed for the service, which was only 30 minutes. I must say, it was a very enjoyable thirty minutes. It took conscious effort at first, but once I relaxed and got my mind off my to-do list the services was very beautiful. The atmosphere in the near empty cathedral was comforting but at the same time almost eerie. There was one other person there outside of the priest, the chorus and sound man. The great thing about that was it felt like a private event. Myself and the other individual were like VIP members at a private show (although technically it was open to everyone). Now normally I'm not really big into the religious music but really this chorus was heavenly. They were together and well rehearsed. Their harmony was spot on. I don't have a single criticism. Following the service I left and continued on home.
Putting away my purchases, I decided that I was hungry and would eat one of my noodle cups. As I pulled it out of the cupboard to get it ready I had the unfortunate realization that I didn't have a fork or anything to eat the noodles with. BUT low and behold when I opened the noodle cup:
a little plastic fork
that folds out to a full-sized fork!! I'm sure everyone reading this is rolling their eyes, but I have to tell you I was seriously impressed with the fork. I mean come on -think of how inconvenient it is to pack your instant noodles into your lunch satchel and then have to also pack a fork. Or if you are like me, forget to pack a fork. Or the other alternative - if you are like me but you pack a spoon thinking its a fork. Let me tell you that spoons do not work well with noodles. So needless to say England - I am impressed.