Saturday, 22 September 2012

Sundays are rundays!

Well the pattern that my life has taken up is work like crazy Monday to Friday, get up to something whether work or errands on Saturday and on Sunday go for a walk/run and then finish whatever else must be done before Monday. With Sundays being run days I've been getting some amazing shots of the countryside and just been enjoying being outside. To give you an idea of how beautiful the area I live in is, here are some photos!

Both of these were taken about fifteen minutes walking from where I live. All that rain we get means for a very green and very lush countryside. 
Last Sunday when I went in the other direction for my run I ended up on top of a very large hill. I thought I had taken a picture of the view but it turns out that I had not. Regardless, you could see for miles. It was all rolling hills and what I would call moors, but I could be wrong. Much of it has houses and such on it, but much of it looks like either farmland or just fields of one sort or another. So when people keep asking me why here? Why not, it's beautiful!

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