***note, this was written the day after my London Adventures. Edited and posted much later...
My London Adventures.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: it’s good to have
a plan but if you plan too much its annoying. For my trip to London I had a
general plan of stay with Charlie, see Kayla and do stuff. I 100% accomplished
my plan.
I took the train into Kings Cross station, yes KINGS Cross
not King’s Cross.
I found (on my way back to Bradford) the spot of Platform 9
¾. I decided that I was too tired to wait in line this time and will do the
photo op next time I’m in London.
Back to the plan...
After meeting up with Charlie to find out where his plat was
and to leave my bag so that I didn’t have to carry it about London. His flat is
in the Bounds Green area of London, which to me really just means get on the
Piccadilly Line of the Underground and get off at the stop that says Bounds
Green. Well the original plan was that Charlie was going to show me the Camden
Town Markets. However my train was delayed and he had Basketball plans at 5pm
so instead he pointed me in the correct direction and off I went.
The very first thing I did when arriving in London was to
get myself an Oyster Card. This little gem is like a declining balance card for
all London transit. It’s great! You deposit money onto your card, swipe it to
get in and out of the underground stations and this is what allows you to tavel
about London. If you use less than the amount of a day pass then you pay for
what you used. If you use more than the amount of a day pass, your card is no
longer charged past the day pass amount. This is nice for someone like me that
likes to get lost or wander about aimlessly on and off buses and tubes. I stuck
to the tube system and my own two feet for this trip. I decided that buses
might get me too lost, but I think that my next trip into London I will take
some buses just to see London without having to do a lot of walking. The tubes
I found pretty convenient. They run more often than the Toronto subways. We’re
talking about every three to five minutes which is fantastic. The longest wait
I saw for a tube train was 6 minutes and that was at 10:45 in Leicester Square
which is an incredibly busy area in the evenings.
Back to the fun stuff.
Camden Town Markets – these are HUGE. Candem town is really
cool (and incidentally has the British Museum in it too). This is apparently
the area of London that a lot of big name musical artists got their start.
There are tonnes of little nooks and crannies, different pubs and places to
eat. There were also more than a few venues that also host live music later in
the evenings. I didn’t take in any music while I was in the area since it was
too early. I hit the markets. There are tent markets set up in on area. This is
the Camden Market. There are stalls of hoodies, and jewelry and dresses and
sweaters and tunics and coats. I saw so many beautiful coats that I wanted, but
I resisted the urge to try them on since I already have a coat. The vendors in
this market are very forward. You stop for half a second to look at something
(which is really just long enough to get your eyes to focus on what you are
looking at and they just on you “you like that, it’s really nice, I make you a
good deal” It’s a bit startling at first when you aren’t expecting it. Yet,
unless you are planning on either spending a lot of money, being rude or
leaving altogether you get used to it pretty quickly. I did find a nice warm
sweater there that I liked and I paid less for it than I would have in a store
so that isn’t so bad. If you continue down the street (I have no idea which
street I was actually on but when you walk down it you see tonnes of different
shops. There was your standard tourist souvenir shops, (there were many of
those really) as well as funky shoe stores, and fashion shops (and I don’t mean
‘in fashion’ but different kinds of fashion). In this area there was really
something for everyone. Well between the street and the following area called
the Stables Markets. This area used to be a giant stables that served that
section of London. It was cleaned up and converted into this market when it
fell out of use as a stables after trains and other types of transportation
took over. There are hundreds of these little shops set up in this market. Each
stall is now a little shop. You can find incense, African art, clothing, but
trendy, vintage, gothic, etc, bags and purses, different leather products,
souvenirs and so much more. There is also a wide variety of food stalls to
visit. I saw Chinese, Vietnamese, Indian, Lebanese foods and donuts! Fresh
fried donuts are so good, and you really don’t need to eat four of them. Trust
me, one is enough, you’re full after three, four is really pushing it.
Regardless they were good. Now I remember wandering through these markets
thinking that they were just incredibly huge. I really am not sure just how
huge they are since they are very maze like and just twist and turn around back
onto to each other. There are also multiple floors. I found the set up very
confusing. There were a couple of things that I wanted to go back to but
couldn’t simply because I couldn’t find them, which is fine because really it
meant that I saved money.
After wandering about these never-ending markets I decided
to head over to Piccadilly Circus to see what was in that area. I left the tube
station and started wandering. It began as I was following the crowds. Then as
the crowds petered off then I was following one woman, when that became boring
I started following the important-looking buildings. Which is pretty easy to do
in this country (especially in London) since everything is made out of stone
and is huge so it all looks important to me. Anyway, I ended up in a few places
where I was genuinely confused and impressed at the same time.
Where I ended up was actually part of the Jubilee Walkway, that was designed to commemorate the Queen's Silver Julibee in 1977. The whole walkway runs from Buckingham Palace to St. Pauls. It's 24 km long. I don't know that I will walk the whole thing next time that I'm in London, but I will definitely try and do at least some of it as it passes many of the London landmarks.
Once my phone call was completed I continued on my aimless
wanderings. I ended up in Leicester Square which if I’m not mistaken in is
Soho. This is the entertainment district of London. I saw advertisements for
many shows that I have not heard of, but also ones that I have. There was
‘Singing in the Rain’ and my all-time favourite of ‘Les Miserables.’ I have to
say the most amazing thing ever happened. My curiosity made me go and ask what
the ticket prices were for ‘Les Mis’ just so that I could plan my next London
trip around a theatre show. Well it turns out that there were a few tickets
still available for last night’s show. And since the show had started already I
was able to get one at a discounted price. I paid a third of the ticket price
for a seat in the stalls (orchestra floor) near the aisle. I had a fantastic
view for which I was grateful since I had left my glasses in my bag back at
Charlie’s flat.
Seeing ‘Les Mis’ was amazing. I’ve seen it before on
television and at the cinema last year when they had the anniversary
broadcaster from London which was fantastic. However nothing and I mean
absolutely NOTHING beats seeing it live. It was well done and the show itself
is so powerful that I spent a lot of it with tears in my eyes. It was so
fantastic. I will definately be going again and next time I will see the entire
thing since the Prologue is my favourite part of the show. ‘Les Mis’ was a
fantastic part of this trip.
The following day, Charley and I went to grab some breakfast
at a little place not far from his flat. We both had variations of a
traditional English breakfast, which really is not all that different from what
a lot of people get as a full breakfast in Canada. We’re talking about eggs,
toast, hashbrowns (or chips), a sausage, bacon (like back bacon only without
the peameal) and beans. The beans is the bit that is off from what I’m used to
seeing in Canada. But I really, I have to say I like it. When I say beans, I
mean beans in tomatoe sauce, or baked beans. I never really liked them as a
child, although I ate them when I had to. Now I have to say I enjoy them. They
go quite well with the other breakfast foods and I now associate it with having
a proper breakfast when I go out for breakfast.
After that, Charley dropped me at the Tube station with some
vague directions taking me past Buckingham Palace and through St. James’s park
to get me to Borough Market.
St. James Park
I have to say. I partially forgot his directions,
got lost, asked a police woman for help (she thought that I was absolutely
crazy for wanting to walk from Buckingham to the market because she said it
would take 45 minutes. In reality if you are confident about your directions
its really about 25), got within two blocks and gave up and took the train the
rest of the way there. Needless to say, I survived and I got there.
River near Buckingham Palace

I found Kayla and we had a lovely although fast wander
through the market. We had lunch. It was some sort of shrimp, tomatoe, sausage
rice dish.
It was very good. We also both purchased some baked goods to cheer
our weekends. She got foccaccia (not sure about the spelling) and I got a
custard tart and a brownie. It was interesting, having a custard tart. It was a
new experience for me, but I figured since I always used to watch ‘As Time Goes
By’ and one of my favourite characters was obsessed with custard tarts, that I
might as well try one, especially since I am in England after all. So I had a
custard tart in London, just like Lionel Hardcastle. I’m chuckling as I’m
sitting here typing this since I think that most people will have no clue what
I’m on about at the moment, but that is just fine.
After my rendezvous with Kayla, I headed back in the
direction of King’s Cross. I wandered about, ate some more food. I found some
street food vendors and I got some gyoza. Since I love gyoza, I had to get some
even though I wasn’t all that hungry. Anyway, Gyoza, Edame, and crunky rainbow salad
made for a delicious second lunch.
Other than street food, that was pretty much
the end of my London Adventure. I found some fuzzy slippers in the train
station shop, but I decided that they weren’t worth what they were priced at...
That is all.
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